Make Your Domain Unforgettable with .ING

With countless words ending in 'ing', the .ING domain extension offers businesses, brands, and individuals endless opportunities to enhance their online presence. By adding this common word ending directly to your domain name, you can create catchy and memorable domain combinations. Whether your passion, interest, or business can be described with a verb, action, or even some nouns, .ING is the perfect way to leave your mark on the web.

Endless Brand.ING Opportunities

From skiing to racing, programming to coding, marketing to advertising, and styling to flying, there are countless words that naturally end in .ING, making this domain extension incredibly versatile. With so many combinations available, you can create distinctive and memorable domains for your websites, marketing campaigns, or community hubs centered around a specific topic or interest. Start discover.ING creative and unique domains that perfectly represent your business or brand. Don't miss out on the one-of-a-kind .ING domains. Secure yours today!

.ing Domains

Registration Price


Renewal Price


Transfer Price


.ing domains have no restrictions on registrations.

.ing Domain Information

Registry: Google Registry
Introduced: 2014
Intended use: Action Websites
Restrictions: None
Whois privacy protection: Yes
IDN support: Yes
Supports DNSSEC: Yes
Renewal grace period: 40 days
Redemption grace period: 30 days
Name servers required: 2 - 12
Domain name length: 1 - 63 Characters
Auth code length: 8 - 32 Characters

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. You can activate Privacy Protection during the registration of a new domain.
In accordance with ICANN registry operations, Generic Top Level Domains (gTLD) have a 40 day "Grace period" in which a domain name can be renewed without incurring an additional fee. Its important to note however that your domain will no longer resolve on the day it expires. After the 40 day grace period, there is a 30 day "Redemption Period" in which you can renew your domain name for an additional $300 USD.
.ing domain names are available to register for 1-10 years.