Android OnePlus Gmail App Setup for IMAP

This guide will show you how to setup IMAP email on your OnePlus device using the Gmail app. There is also a guide for setting up on MobileSync.
  • Launch the Settings app on your OnePlus device.

OnePlus email setup

  • Once you launch the app, tap on Accounts.
OnePlus email setup

  • Select Personal (IMAP)
OnePlus email setup

  • Enter your email address:
OnePlus email setup

  • Type your mailbox password
OnePlus email setup

  • Enter the following incoming settings:

    Username: Your email address
    Password: Your mailbox password
  • Tap Next

OnePlus email setup

  • Enter the following outgoing settings:

    Make sure Require signin is enabled.

    Username: Your email address
    Password: Your mailbox password
    SMTP Server:
  • Tap Next

OnePlus email setup

    1. Select the options desired, and tap Next
OnePlus email setup

    1. Account Name: Used to distinguish the email account from others in the device
      Your name: Name to be displayed in outgoing messages
    2. Tap Next
OnePlus email setup

  1. You are all set! Go back to the main menu, open the Gmail app and your messages should start syncing. Please give it a few minutes to download data before troubleshooting.
If you need to setup your email account on other devices, you can find our email help setup tool on the support page.
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