Setup Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync on Samsung Native Email App

    1. Launch the Settings app on your device.
    2. Once it launches, scroll to Personal and tap Accounts.


    1. Tap Add Account
    2. Select Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (the blue icon) as the Account Type


    1. Email address: Your full email address Password: Your mailbox password
    2. Tap Manual Setup


    1. Enter the following server details: Email address: Your full email address Domain\Username: \ (replace with your full email address) Password: Your mailbox password Exchange Server: Use secure connection (SSL): Checked Use client certificate: Unchecked


    1. Tap Next
    2. You will be prompted to Activate device administrator, tap on Activate at the bottom of the screen


    1. Modify the settings as desired.


    1. Tap Next
    2. Account Name: Name shown on outgoing emails


  1. You are all set! Go back to the main menu, open the Email app and your messages should start syncing. Please give it a few minutes to download data before troubleshooting.
  • 87 Korisnici koji smatraju članak korisnim
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