How to setup a POP mailbox with Microsoft Outlook on Windows

We strongly advise against setting up mailboxes as POP, as it is an outdated protocol. POP also does not sync emails back to the server (read/unread states, sent emails, deleted emails) and also deletes emails on the server after 14 days, if configured incorrectly. So if your hard drive crashes, we don't have a copy of the emails on the server; as the only copy is stored locally on your computer. There is a chart available comparing POP vs IMAP

To set up as IMAP, please view the IMAP setup instructions. If you still want to set up POP, below are our server names and port numbers.



User Settings:

Email Address Your full email address
Username Your full email address

Inbound Servers:

Type Server Address Port
POP Server (SSL) 995
POP Server (Non-SSL) 110

If the device you're trying to set up is requesting an outgoing or SMTP server, you should use the settings below. We strongly recommend using SMTP (SSL) whenever possible.

Please note: Our SMTP servers require authentication. This means you need to enter your username and password to send through our network. We do not allow unauthenticated open relays to send through our servers. If your device does not support SMTP Authentication, you will not be able to use our settings. Please consult with the device manufacturer on whether your device supports SMTP authentication.

Outgoing Servers:

Type Server Address Port
SMTP Server (SSL) 465
SMTP Server (Non-SSL) 25, 587, 8025, 2525

*Non-SSL ports are no longer supported. 

Don't forget about your other devices! We also have guides for setting up email on your mobile phones. 

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