Sunday, June 18, 2017

Over the next several weeks, we will begin enabling new spam filtering technologies for the hosted email platform. This change to our anti-spam technology will improve the accuracy and consistency of spam detection.

While we expect the overall satisfaction with spam filtering to improve, we also expect users to notice some changes in how we are filtering mail. As a result, there may be an uptick in requests about why messages they used to see going to their Inbox now go to Spam, or vice versa. Your Support team will be ready to help field any of these requests and provide you with helpful information to explain any behavior changes.

We will be working diligently throughout this entire process to tune and train the new spam filtering components to ensure the fewest false positives as possible. We've already been through an extensive ramp-up period with the new improvements, and we are eager for our customers to realize the expected benefits.


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