Customer Testimonials

Some kind words from our customers

Over 40,000 businesses and individuals choose Thexyz to deliver the highest standards of security, privacy and reliability for email and hosted apps.

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Don't just take our word for it

Ted Walker

Excellent for Email hosting

I have been with Thexyz for over a year and host my email with them. The reliability is unmatched and the product seems to be getting better an better.

Sean Dawson

Bluelime Enterprises Inc

Very astute, professional and time to reaction is amazing. Best IT support we have enjoyed to date


Thank you!

I wanted to take a moment and thank-you for your tremendous efforts assisting me. I literally was out of business until I was fortunate to find you. A heartfelt “thank-you” is in order!!! I will recommend you and the services of your company to my colleagues.


The Best!

You are the best I have ever dealt with in regards to resolving an IT issue. Keep up the great work.


I can’t tell you how much you have helped me in the time that I have been with thexyz. You have always been there, when I needed information on anything. In fact, I don’t know of anyone in all of the services I have encountered was more helpful and polite as you.



Dear XYZ, I’m serious, I’m happy and delirious, This works now like a charm, It causes no alarm, Your really good and super team, Kept me from letting out a scream! Now I can mail to heart’s desire, You kept me as an XYZ buyer!

Phil Ford

Great on privacy

I use thexyz for non-institutional webmail. Great on privacy and everything else, well worth the $20 a year


Excellent spam filtering

I find that the biggest problem with most email providers is the spam filtering. Until I started using Thexyz which seems to have excellent spam filtering. I can honestly say that I do not get any spam now. May be one or two a week at most but then I can easily block them with a simple click of a button. I like that there are no ads and seems like a very private service.


These folks do email hosting really well. I have been using them with my firm for a couple years now and really admire the webmail UI.


Customer for life!

Been using these guys for a few months now and thoroughly impressed with the service and webmail product. It syncs email very fast and also backs up contacts and calendar which is very useful if you lose your phone, like I did last week. All I needed to do was setup my email and all my contacts, emails and calendar appointments were instantly restored.


I love email again!

After so many bad experiences with other companies I wish I had found these guys sooner. They migrated my mail over and it works it is wonderful email provider.


Great Email

I have been using Thexyz email for some time now and I really like it. It's got all the features I need and is easy to navigate through. It's a high quality email program without the high price, and if you ever need support, they are right there to give it to you. Highly recommended!


Fantastic email service

Since we switched to Thexyz email and apps 6 months ago, all our problems we were having with email have since gone away. It is exactly what you would expect from a paid email provider. The email is really easy to setup and works on all devices. It syncs on all devices too just as it says it does. They well deserve a 5 star rating, keep it up!

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