Accepted file types in Cloud Drive

Supported Video-Files inside Cloud Drive Mediaplayer

Chrome: m4v, ogv, webm
Safari: m4v
Internet Explorer: m4v
Firefox: ogv, webm

Supported Audio-Files inside Cloud Drive Mediaplayer

For audio files a flash/silverlight fallback is used if a browser is not capable of native mp3 playback like Firefox.

Chrome: mp3, wav, m4a, m4b, ogg
Safari: mp3, wav, m4a, m4b, aac
Internet Explore: mp3, m4a, m4b
Firefox: mp3, wav, ogg


jpg, jpeg

Text Documents

docx (Microsoft Office Word text document)
docm (Microsoft Office Word macro-enabled text document)
dotx (Microsoft Office Word text document template)
dotm (Microsoft Office Word macro-enabled text document template)
odt (OpenDocument text document)
ott (OpenDocument text document template)
doc (Microsoft Word 97-2003 text document)
dot (Microsoft Word 97-2003 text document template)
rtf (Rich Text Format)

Spreadsheet Documents

xlsx (Microsoft Office Excel workbook)
xlsm (Microsoft Office Excel macro-enabled workbook)
xltx (Microsoft Office Excel workbook template)
xltm (Microsoft Office Excel macro-enabled workbook template)
xlsb (Microsoft Office Excel macro-enabled workbook, binary format)
xlam (Microsoft Office Excel add-in)
ods (OpenDocument spreadsheet document)
ots (OpenDocument spreadsheet document template)
xls (Microsoft Excel 97-2003 workbook)
xlt (Microsoft Excel 97-2003 workbook template)
xla (Microsoft Excel 97-2003 add-in)

Presentation Documents

pptx (Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation)
pptm (Microsoft Office PowerPoint macro-enabled presentation)
potx (Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation template)
potm (Microsoft Office PowerPoint macro-enabled presentation template)
ppsx (Microsoft Office PowerPoint slide show)
ppsm (Microsoft Office PowerPoint macro-enabled slide show)
ppam (Microsoft Office PowerPoint add-in)
odp (OpenDocument presentation document)
otp (OpenDocument presentation document template)
ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 presentation)
pot (Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 presentation template)
pps (Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 slide show)
ppa (Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 add-in)
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