Whois Data Verification

As per the Whois Data Accuracy Specification introduced by Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers [ICANN] and effective from 1 January 2014, every Registrar is required to verify the email address of the Registrant contact for each gTLD domain name, within 15 days of:

  • a domain name being registered with unverified Registrant Contact email address,
  • a domain name being transferred in from another Registrar,
  • the Registrant Contact being replaced by a Contact with an unverified email address,
  • the email address of the Registrant Contact being modified to an unverified email address,


an unverified email address being associated with a domain name, after the domain name is moved to another Account.
The gTLDs for which this requirement is applicable are:

Donuts Domains

Accordingly, an email would be sent from the system to the Registrant Contact email address for verification, upon one of the above actions being performed.

If the Registrant Contact does not complete the verification process within 15 days, the domain name would be deactivated. It would then resolve to a page indicating the reason for the deactivation, along with instructions to activate the domain name. The domain name would be activated, once the verification has been completed.

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